Self-Assembling Biomolecules
Quantum is for everyone
Goss Research Group

Welcome to our group at CSU
Our group is interested in surface chemistry. Higher ordered structures on surfaces which can be modified to build functional circuits or sensors is the driving science behind our research. One of the major nanostructures that we use is DNA origami. Our work is applicable to molecular electronics and biomolecule sensing. We are also interested in nanomolecules binding onto meteorite surfaces, and the antimicrobial properties of metallic nanoparticles.
The High School

NEWS: SPRING 2022 RESEARCH OPPORTUNITY In the Goss Group click here---> NSF QuBBE Grant!! FY24-25 High School Apprenticeship Program (HSA), Undergraduate Research, and Graduate Research Positions are available. Interested and motivated students should contact Dr. Goss, vgoss@csu.edu
Morgan Park High School,
CSU Faculty, Morgan Park Teachers and Students at the "MPHS MATH POSTERS"
picture courtesy of MPHS student's twitter page

Dr. Valerie Goss
Department of Chemistry, Physics, and Engineering Studies
Research laboratories are located in the Williams Science Center.

Chicago State University
Chicago State University is located at 9501 S. King Dr., Chicago, IL 60628

The research group acquired a new Bruker AFM!! June 2024
Summer 2024, New Grad student, Chrismond Smith
2023-2024, Welcome New Undergraduate researchers Medinat Odoffin, Briana Reyes
09/01/2023, *NEW Collaborative GRANT* $25M University of Michigan, USC, CSU, and Boston University
09/01/2021, *NEW Collaborative GRANT* $25M UChicago, UIC, CSU, and Harvard
NSF Quantum Leap Challenge Institute for Quantum Sensing in Biophysics and Bioengineering (QuBBE)
08/23/2021, School Started - all back to campus!
07/2021, Welcome New Undergraduate researchers Alexis Chappel, Nailah Jones, Harriet Omodayo
07-08/2021, SUMMER Research at CSU, Welcome Ms. Woods to assist with summer student research!
02/2021, Chemistry - Mya 1st place, Curry 2nd place and Angela 3rd Place, at the Illinois LSAMP Symposium
8/2020, New NASA Research Grant = CHEETA "Development of the Cryogenic Hydrogen-Energy Electric Transport Aircraft " $86K
Best Wishes! July 2020, Lucinda Boyd begins Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry at Louisiana State University! Congratulations!
Best Wishes! June 2020, Jasher Garbutt begins employment at a new start-up biotech company! Congratulations!
6/2020, New NASA Research Grant = Physical Geology and Astronomy – Let’s give them some Honor! CSU Course Design "8.9K
Angela and Mya presented at the Illinois LSAMP Symposium, Feb 29, 2020:posters Angela Johnson and Mya Powers-Nash
Feb 29, 2020 Jasher Garbutt wins 1st place Chemistry Oral Presentation at the Illinois LSAMP Symposium
11/2019, Welcome New Undergraduate researcher, Mya Powers-Nash
8/2019, New Grad student - Congrats to Muriel Mcclendon - Accepted to CSU Biological Sciences Master's
8/2019, Seven CSU students attend the ACS National Fall Meeting in San Diego, CA!
Welcome visiting students Christen Williams (Undergrad - biological sciences)
Congratulations on summer 2019 appointments: Jasher Garbut (Notre Dame), LaTaysha James (Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Angela Johnson (UIUC).
Congratulations! Patricia Woods is the first graduate student - she successfully submitted her thesis December 2018.
Best Wishes! July 2018, De'Shovon Shenault begins Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry at Purdue University! Congratulations!
5/2018, Congrats to Angela Johnson! - Accepted to attend LSAMP International Research at Kaust University in Saudi Arabia
5/2018, Welcome Summer Research Students! Angela Johnson, Lataysha James, Emmanuel Lewis, and Fidel Amezcua
Congratulations! 5/2018 and 6/2018 Muriel McClendon accepted to M.S. in Chemistry at DePaul University and awarded Graduate Assistantship!
Congratulations! CSU Sp18 graduate Nicolette Sanders - Awarded SULI Internship at a National Laboratory!
Congratulations! CSU Sp18 graduate Paul Agyebo Gilberts - Accepted at CSU College of Pharmacy, begins Fall 2018!
Spring 2018!, New Grad student, Tochukwu Akujieze
11/2017, Good news - Muriel McClendon completes UG thesis projects, paper & presentation! - Topic: Paper Analytical Devices
6/2017, Welcome Summer HSA, Iben King!
5/2017, CSU Summer Researchers: Nicolette Sanders, North Carolina State University; Ashley Walker, Harvard University
5/2017, Welcome new Group member, Ronald Jackson, M.S. Student in Biological Sciences
5/2017, Congratulations to De'Shovon! ACS Chemistry Certified Degree from CSU. Departmental Student Leadership Awardee!
5/2017, Congratulations to Patricia Woods! $$Awarded Graduate Fellowship, NASA-Illinois Space Grant
April 2017, WOMEN SCIENTISTS ROCK! Thanks to Candace Young and De'Shovon Shenault for participating in the world wide event, Walking for Science!
End of Term Sp2017, Jasher wins Departmental Academic Achievement Award
Good news - De'Shovon(March) and Paul(April) complete UG thesis projects, paper & presentation!
Spring 2017!!! New Grad students! Patricia Woods and Ronald Jackson
4/2017, Nicolette and Ashley will perform summer research at REUs this summer! Awesome!
3/2017, Jasher wins poster prize, and De'Shovon wins oral prize at the LSAMP conference
11/2016, 4 research groups go to NOBCChE, Raleigh, NC - Jasher, Nicolette, DeShovon, Ashley. DeShovon wins poster Prize
11/2016, Muriel McClendon wins poster award at the American Chemical Society!
08/16/16 New Students join the research group: Ashley Walker, Paul Agyebo, Denzel Tucker, Nicolette Sanders - Welcome!
08/16/16 New Students join the research group: Ashley Walker, Paul Agyebo, Denzel Tucker, Nicolette Sanders - Welcome!
05/2016, Keenan Linder Finishes CSU ACS Chemistry Certified Degree Requirements, graduates! Congratualtions!
3/3/16, Muriel McClendon & Dr. Goss selected for international summer research, Eldoret, Kenya - Developing Low-Cost Analytical Devices, 6/16 to 7/3
2/27/16, POSTER WINNERS at the STEM Conference 2016; Jahser Garbutt, DeShovon Shenault, Curry Williams - Congratulations to everyone! Great Job! Thanks to Shaunteri Tomorrow Perryman ('2014) for attending!
10/24/15, NATIONAL CHEMISTRY WEEK Visit to Turner-Drew Language Academy
Upcoming GRE Workshop at CSU, 8/3 - 8/13.
8/10/15 Dr. Goss receives the CSU Faculty Excellence Award in Research!
7/30/15 Jasher Garbutt, new undergraduate researcher completed new synthesis of carbon 'pop-tubes'!
7/15/15 Two new undergrads, Damian Gonzales (summer) and Kaiita Jones. Welcome!
7/15/15 Attended ACS Webinar on the Big Ideas in Nanotechnology
6/2015 Welcome new group member, Dekonti Davies, Univ of Missouri, summer student
5/2015 CSU Convocation and Commencement! Congrats grads!
4/30/2015 Congratulations, Ibrahim Gbadegesin successful thesis defense
3/25/15 Installation of the new Bruker Dimensions Icon AFM starts today!
3/2015 Y.Freeman presents at ACS in Denver, CO
3/2015 L.Boyd accepted to University of Pittsburgh, doctoral studies in Chemistry!
2/2015 Goss Group attends/presents at the LSAMP Conference, Tinley Park, IL. K.Linder and C.Williams award winners. Cheers!
2/2015 K.Linder's published co-author in the Journal of Vizual Experiments
1/2015 S.T.Perryman lands full-time job as a Food Chemist in the Chicagoland area. Congrats!
01/10/15 Lucinda Boyd accepted to Indiana University, doctoral studies in Chemistry! Congrats!
11/23/14 Keenan Linder submits paper for publication!
11/14/14 Yvonne Freeman has a position with Unilever! Congrats!
11/13/14 Yvonne Freeman was accepted to the Georgia Tech Focus Scholar Program
10/30/14 Goss Group Awarded DoD, Army Office of Research Grant for a new Bruker, Atomic Force Microscope
9/26/14 Presenters at NOBCChE 2014
Keenan Linder, Ibrahim Gbadegesi, Shaunteri Tomorrow Perryman, Lucinda Boyd, Curry Williams, Yvonne Freeman
8/29/14 DeShovon Shenault has joined the research group! WELCOME!
6/01/14 Curry Williams has joined the research group! WELCOME!