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Self-Assembling Biomolecules
Quantum is for everyone
Goss Research Group

Summer 2024

Valerie Goss, Ph.D.

Mr. Paul Agyebo- Gilberts, B.S. Chemistry

Lucinda Boyd, Ph.D.

J. Archie Peters, Ph.D.

Ms. Jacqueline Stevens, B.S. Chemistry

Russell Ceballos, Ph.D.

Mr. William Reed, M.S.
STEM High School Teacher
CSU Students
Undergraduate and
High School Researchers
Chrismond Smith
Muriel Mccledon
Angela Johnson
Mya Powers-Nash
Medina Odoffin
Andres Bermudez
Harriet Omodayo
Kiara Fenner
Eduardo Flores Garcia
Briana Reyes
Gabriel Brown
Enrique Lopez
Destiny Giwa
Amone Jones
Sommasi Egbuna
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