Self-Assembling Biomolecules
Quantum is for everyone
Goss Research Group

Check here for
Daily Updates and Reminders
Week 2
Monday, June 17
Bring your laptops, and your ideas about 1 or 2 items that you learned about to use as a presentation topic.
Today is a "presentation working day".
The afternoon will be star-studded, and will be hosted by CSU - Alumni: Industry and Government Chemists and Professionals at all levels. All of your questions about careers in science will be answered.
Tuesday, June 18
Public Speaking Wizards!
Bring your laptops,
Continue working on your presentation.
Presentation Pros will be available to give guidance and tips on how to deliver thoughtful and engaging presentations
Wednesday, June 19
Juneteenth at the DuSable Museum
10:00 AM
Shuttle bus will pick-up at the Residence Hall
wear tees, comfortable clothing, tennis shoes,
optional: bring blanket, money to buy vendor items and food
Galvanstan, TX
June 19, 1865
DuSable Museum of Black History - Festival
Thursday, June 20
A trip to FERMI Lab
Friday, June 21
Presentation Day!
Week 1
Monday, June 10
Tuesday, June 11
New High-Instruments
and Quantum Platform
Wednesday, June 12
More Quantum for all
Thursday, June 13
NSF Site Visit at the University of Chicago
Here are a couple links for the AFM and the SEM. Take a look!
Don't forget, we'll need your signed W9
Continued laboratory experiences today: AFM, SEM, Interference, Double-Slit, Quantum Platform
Friday, June 14
View the sights at CQE!